felt like a classic
this game at first seemed a little genereic for newgrounds shooters ut this one caught my attention fast as being different than the rest. it made me think of older classic shooters like galaxia, glaga, demon sword, even raiden[ without the destructable back ground] this game though doesnt feel time less however. i think it will be left and forgoten because, although amazing, nothing made it memorable like those games i listed before.
the music was perfect for the game. it made me feel like i was in an acrade playing a game that was very japanesey. in the classic japnaese shooter way not the waky game show steryotype of japanese media way. the music never ene got old for me it seemed fluid the entire time and kept well with the games style.
the graphics were stylized so they didnt really define any new ground [ no pun intended ]. i meen that they were good and went with the rest of the game but they never really seemed horrible or amazing. they were good and fit in well with the concept and idea.
the game play was well done i believe for its simplicity. well how can a top down shooter be a really complex game when all u do is move and shoot, you might ask. well the thing about this game is that it had the option to use a mouse to navigate and it automaticaly fired rounds. this made it a lade back not overly involving game. in a good way. the mouse has precicision like nothing else and that allowed me to navigate through bullets really well. i didnt try with the WASD controls because i had a fealling i would have died alot more if i did, and i probably would have.
the customization worked well for the most part but my big complaint is , well actualy theres two. one being is if i bought somthing and sold it ishould have been able to use it again without rebuying it. say i wnated to use sheilding one round and then use the wingmen then next but after that i wanted sheilding again. instead of buying it over agian i should have had it unlocked. i never had the problem of not being able to pay for it agian but still it seemes strange to buy somthing i already own again just because i dont use it. my other complaint is that i didnt get to try every thing out. see, i felt like if i changed my upgrades to mutch i would loose then next round and have to restart [ i never died so i dont know how loosing all your lifes in this game works] so i kept with the same ones only upgrading them when i could. this made me wonder if the other options were better or notm but never actually trying to see for myself.
i did have some slow down in the game a few times. mainly when i used that giant beem special. it slowed the entire game down 1/3. mayby my computers getting old but when ever i alot of shots where on screen i recieved miner slow down but slow down none the less. u did offer graphical options but im just commenting on my experience so no flaw on your part.
over all it was a great game that i wont revisit again. no sense of replay value except to use the other upgrades but the gameplay is to simple to warrent another play through.